Lose weight
Perhaps those wishing to lose weight, have wondered whether it is advisable to follow, a diet or start exercising constantly. Is there a foolproof way to lose weight?
Eating less and better is definitely, the safest way to drop a few pounds, (unless there were previous illnesses, with strict medical competence). but to lose weight and maintain continuous weight loss, physical activity also plays its part.
So the answer to the initial question, is that the best way to ensure a rapid and permanent weight loss. is to follow a controlled diet and get moving at the same time. Sure, both things, even if taken separately, can have a positive effect, but it's definitely the right combination, of the two that makes a difference in terms of health as well.
Lose weight with the diet
If you intend to lose weight by dieting, it would be best to rely on the advice of a nutritionist, who will calibrate the new diet, based on a person's specific needs, by evaluating important factors such as age, starting weight, gender, habits and lifestyle.
Independently choosing the most suitable diet, may not be an easy task, because there are so many of them, and they are also suitable, for rapidly purifying or detoxifying the body.
Often those who want to lose weight quickly, consider eating a diet containing protein. But how does it work?. What are the advantages and what are the contraindications of a diet of this type?.
By protein diet, we mean a diet in which protein prevails over carbohydrate intake, which is why it is also called a low carbohydrate diet. Among the most famous and appreciated high-protein diets, are the Dukan Diet and the Planck Diet.
Lose weight with exercise
According to a Danish study, 30 minutes of physical activity per day, is sufficient to keep you in shape and lose weight, and in fact this short period of time will be the ideal period for losing weight, and therefore no major and long-term physical effort will be required.
What is the best activity for those who want to lose weight? In general, you can do a little bit of everything, from jogging to swimming, from sports like volleyball or soccer to classic courses in the gym or training with tools.
You can also perform exercises directly at home, if you do not have time to attend a gym, or dedicate yourself to so-called appropriate exercise, for every setting when you have the time available.
There are those who believe that if you really have to choose between the two options, then it would be advisable to prefer diet over physical activity. this way you can directly reduce your calorie intake while exercising and we will be able to eliminate only part of it.
However, we still advise you to eat healthy food, reduce portions a little if necessary and move around every day (it is okay to walk for about 40 minutes at a brisk pace). All of this, in addition to helping you lose weight, will be beneficial to your physical and mental health.
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